Monday, June 22, 2020

Google Drawing Collage


  1. Hi my name is Edmon I am from your Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu class. I like the kiwis have a habit and when the kiwi s are having a drink. What are you going to go next?

  2. Hi I'm Milla, I love your drawings and how you added backgrounds to make it look like they are somewhere. and I also love the kiwis. also maybe change the colour of the writing at the top because i can't really see the writing. thanks for showing.

  3. hi my name is jari I relly like how you did the kiwis and at the end the stars ar vrey cool but some of the riting at the top you can't see but the rest of it is vrey good.

  4. hi my name is jackson i really like how youdid the kiwis they just look like kiwis and whats that at the end like to here more from ya


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